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7 Middle Street

1 Bell Hill

Beanos, Croydon
Circa 1980

Location (Map)
Beanos, Croydon, England

Pete: We discovered we liked the same music. We would go to Beanos - a really great second hand store in Croydon. (Source: Foxbase Alpha Deluxe/Special Edition)

Beanos was a second-hand record shop, once the largest in Europe, located in the South London suburb of Croydon. It was founded by musician David Lashmar in 1975 and continued to expand through three increasingly larger shops, ending up in an old printing works in Middle Street in the 1990s.

Prior to Beanos David ran the shop as Bell Hill Cassettes, then Lashmar's and then finally Beanos. Staff remember Bob as "being an absolute music fanatic - an attribute I guess he has never lost!" (Source: Beanos staff)

Location 1: 1 Bell Hill Location 2: 27 Surrey Street Location 3: 7 Middle Street

Read an article written by Bob himself on Beanos here

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