September 1, 2020 (Two Photos) Pocket Call Originally released as a super limited edition 7 Inch with the first 300 copies of the Saint Etienne photo book Pocket Call is finally available on the Deluxe Edition Words and Music by Saint Etienne - available from Rough Trade Photography by Paul Kelly (pocketcall, heavenlyrecordings, firstthirdbooks, paulkellyfilm, halcyondays, hvn285, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 2, 2020 (Five Photos) So Tough - artwork roughs by Michael Gillette Michael wrote to us following the release of Foxbase Alpha and ended up doing the portrait pictures of Pete and Bob for the inside sleeve of So Tough. These were some ideas he did for us that ended up on the cutting room floor. (sotough, artwork, acrylic, acrylicpaint, acrylicpainting, ilovetopaint, michaelgillette, michaelgilletteart, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 3, 2020 Extrabladsins July 1994 (iceland, reykjavik, bjork, underworld, sexpistols_official, pretty.vacant.punk, godsavethequeen, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 4, 2020 Who Do You Think You Are Live visual created by Paul Kelly (paulkellyfilm) (paulkellyfilm, saintetienne, whodoyouthinkyouare, sotough, bobpetesarah, debseywykes, gigvisual, livevisuals, traintracks) |
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September 5, 2020 So Tough (bobpetesarah, saintetienne, topshopjacket, fairislesweater, fairisleknitting, fairisle, johnsmedleyknitwear, soyoung, sotough, socozy, socosy) |
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September 6, 2020 (Three Photos) Barcelona 2000 We've always enjoyed a great following in Spain. It's one of my favourite countries and I've spent much of lock down finally learning to speak the language. No es facil. Sarah Cracknell September 2020 Photography by Ramiro e (bobpetesarah, saintetienne, topshopjacket, fairislesweater, fairisleknitting, fairisle, johnsmedleyknitwear, soyoung, sotough, socozy, socosy) |
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September 7, 2020 Continental This is from a shoot we did for for Continental, a compilation featuring amongst other songs our cover of Gary Numan's Stormtrooper In Drag. Possibly a better look than this shirt Pete Wiggs September 2020 Photography by Martin Magntorn (continental, burntoutcar, shadthames, stormtrooperindrag, stormtrooper, garynuman, photographermartinmagntorn, contactsheet, malmo, sweden, petewiggs, saintetienne, saintetienneband) |
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September 8, 2020 Railway Jam Who can tell me where this was shot then? Sarah Cracknell September 2020 (saintetienne, bobpetesarah, stationtostation, britishrail, blackandwhitephotography, railwayjam, sotough, dollybird) |
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September 9, 2020 (Two Pictures) Soho Squares This was shot for the Swedish magazine Pop in Soho Square around the time that Tom and Ed remixed Like A Motorway just before the Sunday Social started at the Albany. It's still one of my favourite remixes and the closest I've come to being guest vocalist on a Chemical Brothers track. Happy times. Sarah Cracknell (thechemicalbrothers, chemicalbrothers, thedustbrothers, tomrowlands, eddyboysimons, edsimons, sarahcracknell, likeamotorway, chekhovwarpmix, popmagazine, andreslokko, sohosquare, thesociallondon, heavenlysundaysocial) |
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September 10, 2020 The Pre-New In 2012, the Pre-New put out the album People Who Hate Themselves on Pre War Black Ghetto. It featured a track called In The Perfect Place which featured vocals by Sarah Cracknell. You can still pick up this CD from the bands Website (Note Website is now closed (2025) (stuartboreman, laurencebray, jimfry, shinyahyashida, gordonking, stuartwheldon, sarahcracknell, jometcalf, imwiththeprenew, nostalgiaisdenialofthefuture, prewarblackghetto) |
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September 11, 2020 Too Young To Die - cover shoot 1995 Photography: Jamie Fry (jimfry77) (tooyoungtodie, thesingles1990-1995, jamiefryphotography, clarksshoes, prada, loakeshoemakers, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 12, 2020 Kelly's Locker Photography by Rachael Cassells (sarahcracknell, judydontyouworry, electropop, instinctrecords, rachaelcassells, rachaelponycassells, rachaelpony, berlin, fendi, saintetienne) |
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September 13, 2020 I Dream Of Wires - mid 90's synth experimentation courtesy of Robin Turner Photography by Jamie Fry (jimfry77) (progpicnic, idreamofwires, vintagesynth, waspsynth, waspsynthesizer, arpsynthesizer, synth, synthesizer, synthpop, synthlove, robinturner, jamiefryphotography, bobpetesarah, saintetienne, synth-history, synthtopia, strangeworldofsynths, synthesizersanctum) |
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September 14, 2020 (Three Pictures) State Of The Union - The American Dream in crisis 1967-1973 A compilation album by Bob Stanley And Pete Wiggs By 1968, it seemed the whole of America - not just its youth - felt something was going badly wrong, with Vietnam, assassinations, race riots, and ever-climbing divorce rates, the American way of life was under scrutiny from all sides. These songs display a vulnerability that the Greatest Generation (Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin) and the pre-Beatles generation (Dion, Bobby Darrin, The Beach Boys, The 4 Seasons) had never experienced before. It's the sound of a country trying to work it's way out of a crisis. Available on CD and double vinyl from Ace Records Ltd. (stateoftheunion, bobstanley, rocking bob, petewiggs, acerecords, thebeachboys, elvispresley, dion, franksinatra, bingcrosby, royorbison, louisarmstrong, compilation, vinyl, cd) |
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September 15, 2020 1990 My bowlcut suggests I was listening to a lot of stuff from Manchester, which I was...the obvious Roses, Mondays, Inspirals... plus a lot of 98bpm things... Sheer Taft's Cascades, Moodswings' Spiritual High, the Grid's Floatation...what a magical summer. Bob Stanley - September 2020 The early days of photo shoots, not used to a having a camera pointed at me, torn between the half smile and the half sneer. Still working on that today. Pete Wiggs - September 2020 (thesummerof1990, rocking-bob, bobstanley, petewiggs, saintetienne, thestoneroses, stoneroses, happymondays, inspiralcarpets, sheertaft, moodswings, thegrid, floatation, 98bpm) |
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September 16, 2020 A memorable late summer afternoon spent on Brighton beach with by two best fellas Sarah Cracknell - September 2020 (brightonbeach, latesummer, seaside, 37pcanofcoke, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 17, 2020 (Two Pictures) Smash The System - singles and more Released this day in 2001 (smashthesystem, singlesandmore, saintetienne, bobpetesarah, neapolitan, neapolitanicecream, kevinpearce, heavenlyrecordings, compilationalbum) |
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September 18, 2020 1994 After all these years we still manage to have a laugh whenever we get together Sarah Cracknell - September 2020 Photography by Jamie Fry (jimfry77) (sarahcracknell, petewiggs, bobstanley, bobpetesarah, hugoboss, marksandspencer, kheils, farahmenswear, jamiefryphotography, rocking_bob, rocking_bob) |
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September 19, 2020 (Four Pictures) Hug My Soul - released on this day 1994 We made the video for Hug My Soul with the late Steven Wells and his producer Rob Lloyd from the Nightingales. We loved their treatment, especially the part that specified a frighteningly realistic bear costume. We had a meeting to discuss locations and so on and it was decided that I'd wear a dress of my mum's that had been worn by Jill St John in Diamonds Are Forever but that's another story. Swells told us he'd managed to source a bear costume that was so realistic no one would be able to tell that there was in fact a man inside. Sarah Cracknell - 2020 (hugmysoul, tigerbay, bearcostume, frighteninglyrealistic, swells, stevenwells, roblloyd, thenightingales, jamesbond, 007, 007dress, bondgirl, jillstjohn, jillstjohn19, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 20, 2020 Tiger Bay (bobpetesarah, saintetienne, tigerbay, johnstoddart, paulsmith, johnsmedley, katharinehamnett, maccosmetics) |
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September 21, 2020 Words And Music By Saint Etienne We reissued Words And Music earlier this year on Deluxe Edition CD, splatter vinyl and super limited black vinyl pressing and will be bringing you some related news soon. (wordsandmusic, saintetienne, heavenlyrecordings, wearedorothy, splattervinyl, blackvinyl, bobpetesarah, A12postcard, a12, 33rpm) |
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September 22, 2020 Me and Pete came out of fanzine culture, which probably wasn't that obvious too often. We were also heavily influenced by The Fall's graphics and literature (we had a handful of their early press releases which are magnificent). Anyway, both of those influences are quite apparent on this ad for So Tough. It was a full page in NME. I had the full page NME ad for Hex Enduction Hour on my wall as a teenager, and I think we were hoping someone might want to put this on their bedroom wall. I'm not sure if anyone ever did. Bob Stanley - September 2020 (sotough, fanzineculture, fanzine, thefall, thefallband, hexenductionhour, petewiggs, bobstanley, rockinbob, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 23, 2020 Bulle, Switzerland - 16th May 1994 I shot this the morning after Pete's birthday during the European tour in May 1994. The previous night's gig was held in a tiny village hall halfway up a mountain. I couldn't understand why we were playing in such a small venue but apparently Blur had also played there a few nights before. We were just about to leave Switzerland en route to Nancy in France and I had been asked if I could grab a few press shots of the band before we left and so this was the last chance. Everyone was extremely hung over and I remember finding it difficult to focus the camera properly without feeling sick. I really like this picture and I think quite a few of the others from the session were also used in some form so it was obviously worth it. Paul Kelly - September 2020 Photograph by Paul Kelly (paulkellyfilm) (sarahcracknell, paulkellyfilm, bulle, switzerland, eu, europeendless, europeantour1994, tigerbay, ilovetopaint, innersleeve, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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September 24, 2020 We were hoping that people would get that this was a tongue in cheek nod to Kraftwerk (complete with ultra modern cellular mobile porta-phone) and not think we were a bunch of estate agents. Conceived of and taken by our pal and long term collaborator Jamie Fry. That was a massive painted backdrop behind us, none of yer photoshop business. Pete Wiggs - September 2020 Photograph by Jamie Fry (kraftwerk, transeuropeexpress, innersleeve, tigerbay, petewiggs, bobstanley, sarahcracknell, jamiefryphotography, dinnyhall, whistles, tagheuer, saintetienne) |
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September 25, 2020 (Two Pictures) St Etienne Daho We met Etienne Daho at a show at the Arapajo in Paris, which I mostly remember for the number of pillars on the dancefloor and worse sightlines than Filbert Street. He was very warm and easy to talk to, and I knew he had written a book on Francoise Hardy, which gave us plenty to talk about. Pretty soon, we ended up recording together at Olympic Studios in Barnes (virtually next door to where Debsey grew up). Being a huge star in France, Etienne was able to get Pierre & Gilles to do the cover for what became the Reserection mini-album. What a treat! Me and Pete can be seen lurking, in our characteristic fashion, in the undergrowth. The EP got it's first official vinyl release a few months ago. Bob Stanley - September 2020 (stetiennedaho, etiennedaho, saintetienne, reserection, pierreandgilles, pierre_pierreetgilles, pierreetgilles-gilles, junglepulse, xamours, accident, lebaiserfrancais, debseywykes, dollymixtureofficial, olympicstudios) |
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September 26, 2020 (Four Pictures) Kiss And Make Up turns 30 Our second single Kiss And Make Up sung by Donna Savage was released on Heavenly Recordings on 24th September 1990. Who knows where the time goes? (kissandmakeup, donnasavage, deadfamouspeople, thefieldmice, thefieldmiceband, bobbywratten, michaelhiscock, harveywilliams, sarahrecords, peteheller, boysown, heavenlyrecordings, saintetienne) |
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September 27, 2020 Pale Movie Catching some rays during a break from filming for the Pale Movie video in Nerja, Spain. I'm kitted out in hand me downs here, my dad's old Ray-Ban Aviators and a beautiful cream leather jacket my mum bought from Biba. I was gutted to find out she'd thrown the matching skirt away. Sarah Cracknell - September 2020 Photograph: Jamie Fry (sarahcracknell, rayban, raybansunglasses, bibavintage, biba-pari-vintage-collection, nerja, spain, palemovie, videoshoot, jamiefry, jimfry, jamiefryphotography, saintetienne) |
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September 28, 2020 Debsey - Tokyo 1993 We had a fantastic 10 day trip to Japan in 1993 and seemed to spend a lot of time just wandering about, endlessly fascinated by everything. We couldn't understand what any of the shops were selling from looking at the challenging window displays and could only communicate with the help of the promoters. I think this bollard seemed to sum up that feeling of utter confusion. Debsey - September 2020 Photograph: Martin Kelly (debsey, debseywykes, dollymixtureofficial, saintetiennne, shibuya, tokyo, japan, trafficcone, gianttrafficcone, hysshibuya, hystericglamour) |
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September 29, 2020 Pet Sounds Here we are in lovely Coram's Fields, Holborn, which was completely illegal as you could only go there if accompanied by a child. Now we could all have a cup of tea without worrying about the rozzers feeling our collars, but not in (I think) 1994. Bob Stanley - September 2020 Photograph: Aude Prieur (saintetienne, petsounds, 1994, coramsfields, pettingzoo, holborn, london, bobpetesarah) |
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September 30, 2020 (Four Pictures) Continental Continuing yesterdays animal theme, this outdoor shoot in Sweden turned into a bit of a mare. Pete Wiggs - September 2020 Photography: Martin Magentorn (continental, horse, pony, stoneponey, sweden, eu, martinmagentorn, thriftshop, bobpetesarah, saintetienne) |
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