US and Canada Tour News (scroll down for email)

US and Canada Tour CDs
Dear SaintEtienneDisco
Ahead of our North American and Canadian dates that start this week, some important news......
Last Wednesday we were hit with some really bad news that the US/Canada tour CDs aren't going to be ready in time for the Good Humor anniversary shows. Despite getting the artwork and music delivered two weeks ahead of the specified schedule the manufacturing plant have let us down with no real explanation other than "we are experiencing an unprecedented volume of orders and your products are held in a queue".
We are as upset as you are about this news.
To remedy a bad situation we've come up with something that we hope will work for all those who were expecting to pick these up at the shows.
It's a pre-order certificate that will guarantee the CDs to all those who were expecting to purchase them on the night.
We were due to offer the Surrey EP at $12 US and the Double CD Mondo Casino at $20 US.
With the pre order certificate you'll be able to buy the pair shipped to your door for $30. Simply fill in the certificate, pay our merchandise seller, get your certificate stamped (top and bottom), we'll hand you the top portion which is your proof of purchase and we'll retain the bottom part with your details for processing the second stock has arrived.
This means that we can keep our promise of giving those who attend the shows first dibs on the tour exclusives. We're sorry you'll have to wait but we'll ensure we get those in the mail ASAP before anyone else.
Sorry that we can't offer either title individually but three forms would have made things too complicated.
Any stock not accounted for after the Good Humor shows in America, Canada and London, will be put up for grabs via our web shop - but international shipping costs will be added at that time.
We're really sorry for the inconvenience caused by this but hopefully the certificates (printed on heavy card) will be a good keepsake and a small something to make up for the wait.
If you have pals who can't make the shows perhaps arrange
filling in a certificate for direct delivery to them wherever they are.
The CDs will be worth the wait plus we'll be carrying a range of specially printed Good Humor tee shirts on the tour.
See you later this week and next!
Lots of love,
Bob, Pete and Sarah xx
And those dates again.....
Saint Etienne - Good Humor - US and Canada 2018
Wed 5 Sept New York NY - Bowery Ballroom
Thur 6 Sept Brooklyn NY - Warsaw
Fri 7 Sept Washington DC - Union Stage
Sun 9 Sept Boston MA - Brighton Music Hall
Mon 10 Sept Montreal QC - Thèâtre Fairmont
Tue 11 Sept Toronto ON - Mod Club
Thur 13 Sept Chicago IL - Park West
Sat 15 Sept San Francisco CA - The Chapel SOLD OUT
Sun 16 Sept Los Angeles CA - Fonda Theatre
Click here for all the gig info and ticket links.