J.B. Priestley’s Postscript Revealed
Bradford Literature Festival
Jun 24, 2023
Festival (Panel)
Ernest Saville, City Hall, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England
Centenary Square
Celebrate Bradford-born J.B. Priestley's Postscript radio broadcasts more than 80 years after they were first aired on BBC radio in this panel discussion.
During Britain's darkest hours in the Second World War, Priestley's softly spoken Yorkshire tones helped boost the nation's morale. They reveal a lost world of make-do-and mend, of tongue sandwiches and Bradford pie shops.
Writer and academic, Dr Mark Goodall, from the University of Bradford has worked with Bradford creatives to reinvent a new set of 'postscripts' for BBC radio inspired by Priestley's original postscipts. Host Mark is joined by daughter of Bradford, crime-writer Saima Mir, Saltaire's resident muso Bob Stanley, and Bradford-born Furaha Mussanzi, as they celebrate the links between Priestley and Bradford before telling their own personal stories about the modern world.
Bradford Literature Festival
Bob Stanley
Saima Mira
Furaha Mussanzi
Dr Mark Goodall (Host)
Memorabilia (see below)
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